电影 黑色婚礼



  • 片名:黑色婚礼
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Jelena/Djokic/Uliks/Fehmiu/Nikola/Kojo/
  • 导演:Nemanja/Cipranic/
  • 年份:2021
  • 地区:塞尔维亚
  • 类型:悬疑/惊悚/恐怖片/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:塞尔维亚语
  • 更新:2021-11-19 11:41
  • 简介:After committing a horrible massacre in a village, killing twelve people, the killer shoots himself in the head but unexpectedly survives. Petar, a State Intelligence Agency operative, is attempting to get to the bottom of the case, investigating why the killer said the world "katabaza" before shooting himself – just as Petar's late son had done before committing suicide. Nataša, a psychologist, is assisting Petar with the case but, unlike him, she rationalises everything and does not believe there is anything mysterious at play. Tihon, a monk, warns Nataša that her daughter, Ida, is in danger and that demonic forces that possess human souls are behind everything. After attending a black wedding ritual in the village where the massacre took place, Petar increasingly starts to believe in the involvement of supernatural forces.黑色婚礼什么时候上映?黑色婚礼好看吗?
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After committing a horrible massacre in a village, killing twelve people, the killer shoots himself in the head but unexpectedly survives. Petar, a State Intelligence Agency operative, is attempting to get to the bottom of the case, investigating why the killer said the world "katabaza" before shooting himself – just as Petar's late son had done before committing suicide. Nataša, a psychologist, is assisting Petar with the case but, unlike him, she rationalises everything and does not believe there is anything mysterious at play. Tihon, a monk, warns Nataša that her daughter, Ida, is in danger and that demonic forces that possess human souls are behind everything. After attending a black wedding ritual in the village where the massacre took place, Petar increasingly starts to believe in the involvement of supernatural forces.黑色婚礼什么时候上映?黑色婚礼好看吗?




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